OK2440-III 按配套教程编译的CE OS 不能运行
刷 WinCE OS 时的信息:Enter your selection: u
System ready!
Preparing for download...
Please send the Image through USB.
pUSBCtrlAddr->OCSR1.out_pkt_rdy = 0x1
Ep3Handler : downPtIndex = 0x30800040
Download BIN file information:
: Base Address=0x80400000Length=0x2058704
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 33916676
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x0
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x1 for part 0x21.
BP_SetDataPointer at 0x0
WriteData: Start = 0x0, Length = 0x2058704.
Log2Phys: Logical 0x1c0 -> Physical 0x200
IsValidMBR: MBR sector = 0x0
OpenPartition: Partition Exists=0x1 for part 0xb.
INFO: using TOC dwJumpAddress: 0x8022C3E0
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x3022C3E0h (Virtual Address 0x8022C3E0h)... 插液晶屏了吗? 回复 2# 飞凌-alexlee
插了7“显示屏 屏上有什么显示内容吗?