imx6ul GPIO复用
请问下imx6ul GPIO 如何复用?如:我使用ENET2_RX_DATA0和ENET2_RX_DATA1作为UART引脚,但是寄存器值应该如何配置?谢谢!
参照应用手册里增加uart4的配置 当此引脚配置为i2c的时候是 MX6UL_PAD_ENET2_RX_DATA0__I2C3_SCL 0x4001b8b0
MUX Mode Select Field.
Select 1 of 9 iomux modes to be used for pad: ENET2_RX_DATA0.
0000 ALT0 — Select mux mode: ALT0 mux port: ENET2_RDATA00 of instance: enet2
0001 ALT1 — Select mux mode: ALT1 mux port: UART6_TX of instance: uart6
0010 ALT2 — Select mux mode: ALT2 mux port: SIM1_PORT0_TRXD of instance: sim1
0011 ALT3 — Select mux mode: ALT3 mux port: I2C3_SCL of instance: i2c3
0100 ALT4 — Select mux mode: ALT4 mux port: ENET1_MDIO of instance: enet1
0101 ALT5 — Select mux mode: ALT5 mux port: GPIO2_IO08 of instance: gpio2
0110 ALT6 — Select mux mode: ALT6 mux port: KPP_ROW04 of instance: kpp
1000 ALT8 — Select mux mode: ALT8 mux port: USB_OTG1_PWR of instance: usb 您好
0x代表十六进制, 0x4001b8b0中的4指的不是MUX Mode您可以多看几个这方面的文档,我帮您找了一个文档,您可以理一遍思路 提供的链接时wifi的 您好