zhangwd 发表于 2022-4-15 12:54:24

A40i-c V1.2核心板,SD卡烧写程序,系统起来之后,调试串口死掉了。

烧录新板子,linux ,A40i-c V1.2核心板,SD卡烧写程序,boot拨码开关off,SD可以升级,但是再重启,就出现卡死状态了,换过镜像、换过SD卡,现象依旧。。。
使用镜像:sun8iw11p1_linux_OKA40i_C_uart0-1024x600.img, md5sum校验之后是正确的。
dram para = 0
dram para = 0
dram para = 0
dram para = 0
dram para = 0
dram para = 0
storage type = 2
card2 download boot0
[   57.157]successed in downloading boot0
current bitmap buffer size is 0 and new bitmap size is 483.
pitch abs is 21 and glyph rows is 23.
current bitmap buffer size is 483 and new bitmap size is 529.
pitch abs is 23 and glyph rows is 23.
[   57.173]sprite success
next work 3
set next system normal
: mmc exit start
: 50 MHz...
: sample: 63 - 158(ps)
: ds: 63 - 158(ps)
: 100 MHz...
: sample: 32 - 156(ps)
: ds: 32 - 156(ps)
: 200 MHz...
: sample: 16 - 156(ps)
: ds: 16 - 156(ps)
: mmc 2 exit ok

HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
                                     [   0.35]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[   0.39]boot0 commit : 74581757d98a20b111500764817c436cdafbdae3

[   0.46]boot0 version : 4.0
[   0.50]set pll start
[   0.54]set pll end
[   0.89]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.92]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.95]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.98]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.102]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.105]rtc value = 0x00000000
[   0.109]DRAMC IS FOUR
[   0.111]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V1.1
[   0.115]Found A40
[   0.117]Found A40
[   0.119]Found A40
[   0.121]Found A40
[   0.123]Found A40
[   0.129]PMU: [   0.130]AXP221
[   0.132]ddr voltage = 1500 mv
[   0.135]DRAM CLK =576 MHZ
[   0.138]DRAM Type =3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3,6:LPDDR2,7:LPDDR3)
[   0.143]DRAM zq value: 0x003b3bfb
[   0.149]DRAM SIZE =2048 M
[   0.152]DRAM ** test OK.
[   0.155]dram size =2048
[   0.157]rtc standby flag is 0x00000000, super standby flag is 0x00000000
[   0.165]card no is 2
[   0.167]sdcard 2 line count 8
[   0.170]: mmc driver ver 2016-07-01 15:30
[   0.175]: wrong freq 2 at spd md 2
[   0.188]: ***Try MMC card 2***
[   0.207]: MMC 5.1
[   0.209]: HSSDR52/SDR25 8 bit
[   0.213]: 50000000 Hz
[   0.215]: 7456 MB
[   0.218]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!***
[   0.293]Succeed in loading uboot from sdmmc flash.
[   0.298]Entry_name      = u-boot
[   0.314]Ready to disable icache.
[   0.317]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.320]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.323]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.326]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.329]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.332]0xffffffff 0xffffffff
[   0.336]Jump to secend Boot.

U-Boot 2014.07 (Mar 17 2022 - 01:41:59) Allwinner Technology

uboot commit : 866821a4cd3594115a60fa86880257a0d8c5d79e

i2c_init: by cpux
i2c_init ok
[      0.351]pmbus:   ready
[      0.365]PMU: AXP221
[      0.366]PMU: AXP22x found
[      0.368]PMU: dcdc2 1160
[      0.368]PMU: cpux 1008 Mhz,AXI=336 Mhz
PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB1=200 Mhz, APB1=100MhzMBus=400Mhz
set power on vol to default
dcdc1_vol = 3300, onoff=1
dcdc2_vol = 1160, onoff=1
dcdc3_vol = 1200, onoff=1
dcdc4_vol = 1100, onoff=0
aldo1_vol = 3300, onoff=1
aldo2_vol = 1800, onoff=1
aldo3_vol = 3000, onoff=1
dc1sw_vol = 3000, onoff=0
dc5ldo_vol = 1100, onoff=0
dldo1_vol = 3300, onoff=1
dldo2_vol = 3300, onoff=0
dldo3_vol = 3300, onoff=0
dldo4_vol = 2500, onoff=1
eldo1_vol = 2800, onoff=0
eldo2_vol = 1200, onoff=1
eldo3_vol = 2800, onoff=1
gpio0_vol = 3300, onoff=1
gpio1_vol = 3300, onoff=1
find power_sply to end
vbus exist
run key detect
no key found
no uart input
fdt addr: 0xb6e84218
Relocation Offset is: 75edb000
axp: get node error
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
gic: normal mode
[      0.524]start
init_clocks: finish init_clocks.
pwm_request: reg = 0x1c23400. pwm = 0.
request pwm success, pwm = 0.
tv0 have no type1
tv0 have no type2
tv0 have no type3
no report hpd work,you need support the switch class!
screen 0 don't support TV!
screen 1 don't support TV!
screen 0 do not support VGA TYPE!
screen 1 do not support VGA TYPE!
drv_disp_init finish
fetch script data boot_disp.output_disp fail
fetch script data boot_disp.output_type fail
fetch script data boot_disp.output_mode fail
fetch script data boot_disp.auto_hpd fail
disp0 device type(1) enable
disp 0, clk: pll(306000000),clk(306000000),dclk(51000000) dsi_rate(306000000)
   clk real:pll(308571428),clk(308571428),dclk(51428571) dsi_rate(0)
enable power vcc-lcd, ret=0
[      1.294]end
workmode = 0,storage type = 2
[      1.294]MMC:      2
: mmc driver ver 2016-07-01 15:50:00
Read addr=40 eeprom addrlen=1 ok!!

The test ok!
secret ok
: mmc_update_timing_para: error sdc_no 2
: 50 MHz...
: sample: 63 - 158(ps)
: ds: 63 - 158(ps)
: 100 MHz...
: sample: 33 - 151(ps)
: ds: 32 - 156(ps)
: 200 MHz...
: sample: 16 - 156(ps)
: ds: 16 - 156(ps)
: media type 0x8000000
: ************Try MMC card 2************
: host caps: 0x6f
: MID 0000d6 PSN 20a3c1a0
: PNM 88A378 -- 0x38-38-41-33-37
: PRV 6.1
: MDT m-6 y-2020
: MMC v5.1
: speed mode   : HSSDR52/SDR25
: clock          : 50000000 Hz
: bus_width      : 8 bit
: user capacity: 7456 MB
: boot capacity: 4096 KB
: rpmb capacity: 4096 KB
: ************SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!************
: use default speed mode: 1-HSSDR52/SDR25, ifreq: 2
: ========best spd md: 1-HSSDR52/SDR25, freq: 2-50000000
: already at HSSDR52_SDR25 mode
: erase_grp_size      : 0x400WrBlk*0x200=0x80000 Byte
: secure_feature      : 0x55
: secure_removal_type : 0x9
: EOL Info(Rev blks): Normal
: Wear out(type A): 0%-10% life time used
: Wear out(type B): Not defined
[      1.573]sunxi flash init ok
sunxi secure storage is not supported
[      1.579]usb burn from boot
delay time 0
[      1.671]usb prepare ok
[      2.470]timer occur
[      2.471]overtime
[      2.504]do_burn_from_boot usb : no usb exist
--------fastboot partitions--------
-total partitions:6-
-name-      -start-       -size-
boot-resource: 1000000       e00000
env         : 1e00000       400000
boot      : 2200000       1000000
rootfs      : 3200000       c0000000
private   : c3200000      1000000
UDISK       : c4200000      0
base bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal
bootcmd set setargs_mmc
key 0
cant find rcvy value
cant find fstbt value
no misc partition is found
to be run cmd=run setargs_mmc boot_normal
update dtb dram start
update dtb dramend
PowerBus = 3( 2:vBus 3:acBus other: not exist)
no battery, limit to dc
no battery exist
EnterNormalBootMode sunxi_bmp_display--
reading bootlogo.bmp
1536054 bytes read in 37 ms (39.6 MiB/s)
bmp file buffer: 0x40000000, bmp_info.buffer: 46400000
fetch script data boot_disp.output_full fail
screen_id =0, screen_width =1024, screen_height =600
frame buffer address 46400036
Net:   eth0
Warning: failed to set MAC address

[      2.775]inter uboot shell
Press SPACE to abort autoboot
read partition: boot or recovery
[      4.103]sunxi flash read :offset 2200000, 14925200 bytes OK
Android's image name: sun8i_arm
Kernel load addr 0x40008000 size 12198 KiB
RAM disk load addr 0x41000000 size 1354 KiB
read private data
private maybe empty
read private data
private maybe empty
[      4.176]ready to boot
prepare for kernel
: mmc exit start
: 50 MHz...
: sample: 63 - 158(ps)
: ds: 63 - 158(ps)
: 100 MHz...
: sample: 32 - 156(ps)
: ds: 32 - 156(ps)
: 200 MHz...
: sample: 16 - 156(ps)
: ds: 16 - 156(ps)
: mmc 2 exit ok

Starting kernel ...

[    0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
[    0.000000] Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.10.65 (root@370f1a4d53e0) (gcc version 5.3.1 20160412 (Linaro GCC 5.3-2016.05) ) #4 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 17 01:45:52 UTC 2022
[    0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c53c7d
[    0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
[    0.000000] Machine: sun8iw11p1, model: sun8iw11p1
[    0.000000] bootconsole enabled
: RootDevice is "/dev/mmcblk0p7"
: Try to load EMMC ...
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
/dev/mmcblk0p7: recovering journal
/dev/mmcblk0p7: clean, 8938/458752 files, 185723/1835008 blocks
mount: proc is already mounted or /proc busy
       proc is already mounted on /proc
mount: devtmpfs is already mounted or /dev busy
init asteroidenv##
Populating /dev/ using udev: done
init qt env########################
Starting sshd: OK
Starting telnetd: OK
Starting vsftpd: OK
e2fsck 1.43.3 (04-Sep-2016)
/dev/mmcblk0p1: recovering journal
/dev/mmcblk0p1: clean, 11/51792 files, 12450/206848 blocks
D-Bus per-session daemon address is: unix:abstract=/tmp/dbus-ViHvCXrsRE,guid=f8337c34685dedbe5c43a0b500000004
Unknown username "pulse" in message bus configuration file
kill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] pid | jobspec ... or kill -l
find qt5 installed
device_chose finished!
Unknown username "pulse" in message bus configuration file
Failed to start message bus: The pid file "/var/run/messagebus.pid" exists, if the message bus is not running, remove this file
start adb...
xres = 1024, yres = 600

Welcome to Allwinner A40i Linux Platform V1.3
A40i login:

zhichao 发表于 2022-4-15 15:32:50


zhangwd 发表于 2022-4-15 15:58:47

zhichao 发表于 2022-4-15 15:32
如果还不行就检查一下 ...

页: [1]
查看完整版本: A40i-c V1.2核心板,SD卡烧写程序,系统起来之后,调试串口死掉了。