gavin_guo 发表于 2022-11-7 15:58:43



ad8@ad8-virtual-machine:~/kernel-3.2$ makeARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- uImage -j4
CHK   include/linux/version.h
CHK   include/generated/utsrelease.h
make: 'include/generated/mach-types.h' is up to date.
CALL    scripts/
CHK   include/generated/compile.h
TIMEC   kernel/timeconst.h
Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at kernel/ line 373.
/home/ad8/kernel-3.2/kernel/Makefile:141: recipe for target 'kernel/timeconst.h' failed
make: *** Error 255
Makefile:945: recipe for target 'kernel' failed
make: *** Error 2
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

ljb2019001 发表于 2022-11-15 08:58:23

根据报错把kernel/ 的 373行的 defined(@array)改成@array就好了

kaiden999 发表于 2023-1-27 12:12:07

373行的 defined(@array)改成@array就好了
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 用支持硬件浮点的编译器,编译内核的时候,脚本报错了