我在编译工程时提示以下错误:Error : RVCT22BIN variable not defined! Your environment is not set up properly or you did not run the installer.
Error : armasm Compile exit status = -9999
Error : RVCT22BIN variable not defined! Your environment is not set up properly or you did not run the installer.
Error : armcc Compile exit status = -9999
求助解决方法....谢谢... 你是realease。重新编译的吗?去掉了中间的.0文件的~ 我打开RVDS时提示Environment variable 'RVCT22INC' not found...怎么去解决...谢谢了.. 建议先按照飞凌视频的方法做一遍。 飞凌视频的方法在哪个盘上啊... 土豆上搜OK6410