1.桌面显示到HDMI vi arch/arm/boot/dts/ok5718-idk.dts 修改: aliases { display0 = &lcd0; display1 = &hdmi0; sound0 = &sound0; sound1 = &hdmi; rtc0 = &rtc1; }; 改为: aliases { display0 = &hdmi0; display1 = &lcd0; sound0 = &sound0; sound1 = &hdmi; rtc0 = &rtc1; }; 2.桌面显示到HDMI并支持热插拔 vi drivers/gpu/drm/omapdrm/displays/encoder-tpd12s015.c static irqreturn_t tpd_hpd_isr(int irq, void *data) if (tpd_detect(&ddata->dssdev)) status = connector_status_connected; else - status = connector_status_disconnected; + status = connector_status_connected; ddata->hpd_cb(ddata->hpd_cb_data, status); } mutex_unlock(&ddata->hpd_lock); return IRQ_HANDLED; } 另外,由于Matrix 界面依赖 weston 显示服务器,因此运行 Matrix 界面之前,请确保 weston显示服务器已经运行。 如果不插入HDMI启动,weston 初始化完成后,就一直找不到HDMI,所以需要写一个脚本检测插入事件,并重新启动weston服务 1)添加脚本 vi hdmi.sh #!/bin/sh while [ 1 ] //利用循环检查HDMI是否插入 do output=$(cat /var/log/weston.log | grep HDMI-A-1) //查找HDMI是否插入 if [ "$output" == "" ] //如果没插入则为空 then sleep 1 //设置每1s检测一次 else //Matrix 界面依赖 weston 显示服务器,因此运行 Matrix 界面之前,请确保 westo显示服务器已经运行。 /etc/init.d/weston restart sleep 1 /etc/init.d/matrix-gui-2.0 start //启动界面 str=`ps aux | grep "hdmi.sh" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` //获取自己的进程号 kill $str //由于只需要启动一次,重启完成后,把自己杀掉 fi done 保存退出 2)添加到开机自启动 cd /lib/systemd/system vi hdmi.service [Unit] Description=helloworld After=basic.service X.service thermal-zone-init.service [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/home/root/hdmi.sh //该行根据自己脚本的实际路径和名称填写 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target 保存退出 3)启动自启动服务 : systemctl -f enable /lib/systemd/system/hdmi.service 3.将qt程序添加到桌面 相关文件:参考对应路径下的其他程序,添加自己的程序即可 .Desktop文件: /usr/share/matrix-gui-2.0/apps/ 应用程序的图标: /usr/share/matrix-gui-2.0/apps/images/forlinx/ 应用程序路径: /home/forlinx/qt/ 总的配置文件: /usr/share/matrix-gui-2.0/json.txt 4.开机不显示桌面,直接启动自己的qt程序 vi /etc/init.d/matrix-gui-2.0 修改为如下内容 红色字体为添加内容,即启动指令,此例是启动/home/forlinx/qt/下的keypad 紫色字体需要注释掉如下 即可完成自启 #! /bin/sh
matrixgui="/home/forlinx/qt/matrix_browser" GUI_OPTS=" """ PIDFILE="/var/run/matrix-gui-2.0.pid"
# Important System Environment Variables for sh in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do [ -r "$sh" ] && . "$sh" done /home/forlinx/qt/keypad
#itest -x "$matrixgui" || exit 0
#case "$1" in # start)
#Clear out the the tmp and lock directory # cd /usr/share/matrix-gui-2.0 # rm -rf tmp/* # rm -rf lock/* # cd -
# if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then # PIDDIR=/proc/$(cat $PIDFILE) # if [ -d ${PIDDIR} -a "$(readlink -f ${PIDDIR}/exe)" = "${matrixgui}" ]; then # echo "$DESC already started; not starting." # else # echo "Removing stale PID file $PIDFILE." # rm -f $PIDFILE # fi # fi
# echo -n "Starting Matrix GUI application" # start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background -m --pidfile $PIDFILE --exec $matrixgui -- $GUI_OPTS # echo "." # ;;
# stop) # echo -n "Stopping Matrix GUI application" # start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE # echo "." # ;; # *) # echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/matrix-gui-2.0 {start|stop}" # exit 1 esac
exit 0 |
|小黑屋| 飞凌嵌入式 ( 冀ICP备12004394号-1 )
GMT+8, 2024-12-22 18:07
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