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mmc.bin是用于sd 卡启动的文件,在uboot顶层的Makefile中看到mmc.bin的生成步骤:
# padding to 512k the u-boot.bin
@cat u-boot.bin > u-boot-2x.bin #创建u-boot-2x.bin文件,并把u-boot.bin内容写入
@cat u-boot.bin >> u-boot-2x.bin #再次追加写入u-boot.bin内容
@split -d -a 1 -b 512k u-boot-2x.bin u-boot-512k.bin
# spiliting u-boot for BL1 (8kb)
@split -d -a 2 -b 8k u-boot.bin u-boot-8k.bin
# creating empty env space (16kb)
# @dd if=/dev/zero of=empty.env bs=16384 count=1 2> /dev/null
# merging the bl1 and env with padded 512k binary
# @cat empty.env >> u-boot-512k.bin0
@cat u-boot-8k.bin00 >> u-boot-512k.bin0
# renaming and change mode
@mv u-boot-512k.bin0 mmc.bin
chmod 777 mmc.bin
问题:为什么uboot.bin写入u-boot-2x.bin两次,然后取u-boot-2x.bin的钱512k,再追加uboot.bin的前8k,最后拼起来就是mmc.bin,可以从SD卡启动的bootloader,哪位大神给解释解释? |