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[Linux] 脚本打包镜像失败








发表于 2021-12-8 16:38:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
使用脚本打包镜像出现  dl file rootfs.fex size too largeERROR: update_mbr failed,麻烦哪位大佬帮忙看看是啥问题,谢谢~!build buidroot-201611...
INFO: packing firmware ...
copying tools file
copying configs file
renamed './out/image_linux.cfg' -> './out/image.cfg'
renamed './out/sys_partition_linux.fex' -> './out/sys_partition.fex'
copying boot resource
copying boot file
p=soc c=product state=0
p=soc c=platform state=0
p=soc c=target state=0
p=soc c=norflash state=0
p=soc c=boot_init_gpio state=0
p=soc c=power_sply state=0
p=soc c=card_boot state=0
p=soc c=pm_para state=0
p=soc c=card0_boot_para state=0
p=soc c=card2_boot_para state=0
p=soc c=twi_para state=0
p=soc c=uart_para state=0
p=soc c=jtag_para state=0
p=soc c=clock state=0
p=soc c=dram state=0
p=soc c=emac0 state=0
p=soc c=gmac0 state=0
p=soc c=can0 state=0
p=soc c=can0 state=1
p=soc c=twi0 state=0
p=soc c=twi1 state=0
p=soc c=twi2 state=0
p=soc c=twi3 state=0
p=soc c=twi4 state=0
p=twi2 c=rx8010 state=0
p=twi4 c=at24 state=0
p=soc c=ir0 state=0
p=soc c=uart0 state=0
p=soc c=uart0 state=1
p=soc c=uart1 state=0
p=soc c=uart1 state=1
p=soc c=uart2 state=0
p=soc c=uart2 state=1
p=soc c=uart3 state=0
p=soc c=uart3 state=1
p=soc c=uart4 state=0
p=soc c=uart4 state=1
p=soc c=uart5 state=0
p=soc c=uart5 state=1
p=soc c=uart6 state=0
p=soc c=uart6 state=1
p=soc c=uart7 state=0
p=soc c=uart7 state=1
p=soc c=spi0 state=0
p=soc c=spi1 state=0
p=soc c=spi2 state=0
p=soc c=spi3 state=0
p=soc c=rtp_para state=0
p=soc c=ctp state=0
p=soc c=ctp_list state=0
p=soc c=tkey_para state=0
p=soc c=motor_para state=0
p=soc c=nand0 state=0
p=soc c=sata state=0
p=soc c=disp state=0
p=soc c=tv0 state=0
p=soc c=tv1 state=0
p=soc c=tvd state=0
p=soc c=tvd0 state=0
p=soc c=tvd1 state=0
p=soc c=tvd2 state=0
p=soc c=tvd3 state=0
p=soc c=lcd0 state=0
p=soc c=lcd0 state=1
p=soc c=pwm0 state=0
p=soc c=pwm0 state=1
p=soc c=car_reverse state=0
p=soc c=Transmit_fm state=0
p=soc c=hdmi state=0
p=soc c=ak7601 state=0
p=soc c=csi0 state=0
p=csi0 c=csi0_dev0 state=0
p=soc c=csi1 state=0
p=csi1 c=csi1_dev0 state=0
p=soc c=tvout_para state=0
p=soc c=tvin_para state=0
p=soc c=di state=0
p=soc c=sdc0 state=0
p=soc c=sdc1 state=0
p=soc c=sdc2 state=0
p=soc c=sdc3 state=0
p=soc c=smc state=0
p=soc c=gpio_para state=0
p=soc c=usbc0 state=0
p=soc c=usbc1 state=0
p=soc c=usbc2 state=0
p=soc c=gsensor_para state=0
p=soc c=gps_para state=0
p=soc c=ril_para state=0
p=soc c=wlan state=0
p=soc c=bt state=0
p=soc c=btlpm state=0
p=soc c=gy_para state=0
p=soc c=ls_para state=0
p=soc c=compass_para state=0
p=soc c=spdif state=0
p=soc c=sndspdif state=0
p=soc c=audiohdmi state=0
p=soc c=sndhdmi state=0
p=soc c=snddaudio0 state=0
p=soc c=daudio0 state=0
p=soc c=snddaudio1 state=0
p=soc c=daudio1 state=0
p=soc c=sndcodec state=0
p=soc c=codec state=0
p=soc c=pmu0 state=0
p=soc c=charger0 state=0
p=soc c=powerkey0 state=0
p=soc c=regulator0 state=0
p=soc c=axp_gpio0 state=0
p=soc c=dvfs_table state=0
p=soc c=Vdevice state=0
p=soc c=gpu_mali400_0 state=0
Conver script to dts ok.
update_fdt: u-boot.fex will merage sunxi.fex, generate u-boot.fex
---0xd0, 0xd
update_fdt: num 873244 randto1k
update_fdt: num 160928 randto1k
file1_len = d5400, file2_len = 29800
dtb offset d5400,size 29800
update_fdt:genrate /media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
pack boot package
GetPrivateProfileSection read to end
packing for linux

partitation file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/sys_partition.bin
mbr_name file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/sunxi_mbr.fex
download_name file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/dlinfo.fex

mbr size = 16384
mbr magic softw411
disk name=boot-resource
filename = boot-resource.fex
dl_file_size = 11432 sector
part_size = 28672 sector
disk name=env
filename = env.fex
dl_file_size = 256 sector
part_size = 8192 sector
disk name=boot
filename = boot.fex
dl_file_size = 27416 sector
part_size = 32768 sector
disk name=rootfs
unable to open file rootfs.fex
dl file rootfs.fex size too large
update_for_part_info -1
update mbr file fail
ERROR: update_mbr failed
lzy@lzy:/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee$ ./build.sh pack
build buidroot-201611...
INFO: packing firmware ...
copying tools file
copying configs file
renamed './out/image_linux.cfg' -> './out/image.cfg'
renamed './out/sys_partition_linux.fex' -> './out/sys_partition.fex'
copying boot resource
copying boot file
p=soc c=product state=0
p=soc c=platform state=0
p=soc c=target state=0
p=soc c=norflash state=0
p=soc c=boot_init_gpio state=0
p=soc c=power_sply state=0
p=soc c=card_boot state=0
p=soc c=pm_para state=0
p=soc c=card0_boot_para state=0
p=soc c=card2_boot_para state=0
p=soc c=twi_para state=0
p=soc c=uart_para state=0
p=soc c=jtag_para state=0
p=soc c=clock state=0
p=soc c=dram state=0
p=soc c=emac0 state=0
p=soc c=gmac0 state=0
p=soc c=can0 state=0
p=soc c=can0 state=1
p=soc c=twi0 state=0
p=soc c=twi1 state=0
p=soc c=twi2 state=0
p=soc c=twi3 state=0
p=soc c=twi4 state=0
p=twi2 c=rx8010 state=0
p=twi4 c=at24 state=0
p=soc c=ir0 state=0
p=soc c=uart0 state=0
p=soc c=uart0 state=1
p=soc c=uart1 state=0
p=soc c=uart1 state=1
p=soc c=uart2 state=0
p=soc c=uart2 state=1
p=soc c=uart3 state=0
p=soc c=uart3 state=1
p=soc c=uart4 state=0
p=soc c=uart4 state=1
p=soc c=uart5 state=0
p=soc c=uart5 state=1
p=soc c=uart6 state=0
p=soc c=uart6 state=1
p=soc c=uart7 state=0
p=soc c=uart7 state=1
p=soc c=spi0 state=0
p=soc c=spi1 state=0
p=soc c=spi2 state=0
p=soc c=spi3 state=0
p=soc c=rtp_para state=0
p=soc c=ctp state=0
p=soc c=ctp_list state=0
p=soc c=tkey_para state=0
p=soc c=motor_para state=0
p=soc c=nand0 state=0
p=soc c=sata state=0
p=soc c=disp state=0
p=soc c=tv0 state=0
p=soc c=tv1 state=0
p=soc c=tvd state=0
p=soc c=tvd0 state=0
p=soc c=tvd1 state=0
p=soc c=tvd2 state=0
p=soc c=tvd3 state=0
p=soc c=lcd0 state=0
p=soc c=lcd0 state=1
p=soc c=pwm0 state=0
p=soc c=pwm0 state=1
p=soc c=car_reverse state=0
p=soc c=Transmit_fm state=0
p=soc c=hdmi state=0
p=soc c=ak7601 state=0
p=soc c=csi0 state=0
p=csi0 c=csi0_dev0 state=0
p=soc c=csi1 state=0
p=csi1 c=csi1_dev0 state=0
p=soc c=tvout_para state=0
p=soc c=tvin_para state=0
p=soc c=di state=0
p=soc c=sdc0 state=0
p=soc c=sdc1 state=0
p=soc c=sdc2 state=0
p=soc c=sdc3 state=0
p=soc c=smc state=0
p=soc c=gpio_para state=0
p=soc c=usbc0 state=0
p=soc c=usbc1 state=0
p=soc c=usbc2 state=0
p=soc c=gsensor_para state=0
p=soc c=gps_para state=0
p=soc c=ril_para state=0
p=soc c=wlan state=0
p=soc c=bt state=0
p=soc c=btlpm state=0
p=soc c=gy_para state=0
p=soc c=ls_para state=0
p=soc c=compass_para state=0
p=soc c=spdif state=0
p=soc c=sndspdif state=0
p=soc c=audiohdmi state=0
p=soc c=sndhdmi state=0
p=soc c=snddaudio0 state=0
p=soc c=daudio0 state=0
p=soc c=snddaudio1 state=0
p=soc c=daudio1 state=0
p=soc c=sndcodec state=0
p=soc c=codec state=0
p=soc c=pmu0 state=0
p=soc c=charger0 state=0
p=soc c=powerkey0 state=0
p=soc c=regulator0 state=0
p=soc c=axp_gpio0 state=0
p=soc c=dvfs_table state=0
p=soc c=Vdevice state=0
p=soc c=gpu_mali400_0 state=0
Conver script to dts ok.
update_fdt: u-boot.fex will merage sunxi.fex, generate u-boot.fex
---0xd0, 0xd
update_fdt: num 873244 randto1k
update_fdt: num 160928 randto1k
file1_len = d5400, file2_len = 29800
dtb offset d5400,size 29800
update_fdt:genrate /media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/u-boot.fex ok
ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
pack boot package
GetPrivateProfileSection read to end
packing for linux

partitation file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/sys_partition.bin
mbr_name file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/sunxi_mbr.fex
download_name file Path=/media/lzy/0000AC1F00080549/1/1/Linux/源码/lichee/tools/pack/out/dlinfo.fex

mbr size = 16384
mbr magic softw411
disk name=boot-resource
filename = boot-resource.fex
dl_file_size = 11432 sector
part_size = 28672 sector
disk name=env
filename = env.fex
dl_file_size = 256 sector
part_size = 8192 sector
disk name=boot
filename = boot.fex
dl_file_size = 27416 sector
part_size = 32768 sector
disk name=rootfs
unable to open file rootfs.fex
dl file rootfs.fex size too large
update_for_part_info -1
update mbr file fail
ERROR: update_mbr failed


使用道具 举报







发表于 2021-12-8 17:20:33 | 显示全部楼层
dl file rootfs.fex size too large文件系统太大,一般是文件系统修改导致,或者改分区导致


没改过,就直接执行build.sh编译,然后打包的  详情 回复 发表于 2021-12-8 17:31
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使用道具 举报







 楼主| 发表于 2021-12-8 17:31:44 | 显示全部楼层
zhichao 发表于 2021-12-8 17:20
dl file rootfs.fex size too large文件系统太大,一般是文件系统修改导致,或者改分区导致

点评回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报







发表于 2021-12-8 18:20:02 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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